July 28, 2010
I am grateful that U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton ruled today that the most egregious sections of the Arizona Senate Bill 1070 were not allowable under Federal law and ordered those halted.
This entire Arizona attempt to deal with various immigration issues outside Federal law reveals once again the level of frustration across the country that the U.S. Congress will not deal with the pressing issue of needed immigration reform. Without needed Congressional action, local communities and states will continue to propose stop-gap measures which do not address all aspects of needed immigration reform.
Recently I posted on my blog below an article entitled Common Ground for Immigration Reform? The article can be found at:
In that piece I share the results of many conversations with people over the past months about immigration reform. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that when presented with each of the elements of an all-inclusive immigration reform package, most Americans favored almost all of the separate elements.
I also recommend that those opposed to such all-inclusive immigration reform refrain from using the word “amnesty” to apply to a long, arduous, and costly process towards legal residence for those millions of people living in the shadows of our society.
Let us as fellow Americans now start in earnest our collective efforts to resolve the immigration issues which continue to surround us.