Monday, February 27, 2017


Today was our final day in Beirut, and it was a privilege to celebrate the English Mass in the Church at the University of St. Joseph.  This historic university goes back many years, and has emerged as one of the leading universities in all of Lebanon.

The large Church was filled with mostly Filipino migrants, men and women who work on contract for employers in the greater Beirut area.  Most are involved in domestic work.  The positive thing is that these migrants are free to come to Church on Sunday, and free to gather with other Filipinos.  There is a great spirit of unity and fellowship among all of them.

Sunday Mass in the Church
The photo shows Archbishop Silvano Tomasi and I celebrating the Sunday Mass.  There was enthusiastic singing by all, and a great spirit of joy.

Since the Filipinos are such fine Catholics, their faith gathers them and renews the bonds among them.

A great joy to be with them!

After Mass, we greeted everyone.  And as always happens with Filipinos, many cell phones and cameras emerged to take photos!

Hospitality is so important for Filipino peoples around the world, and they are anxious to greet priests everywhere.  And, of course, many photos!

Afterward we joined them for a delightful Filipino food lunch, including all of the Filipino favorites.  It reminded me so much of Los Angeles being with them--so warm, friendly, kind and hospitable.

We then proceeded to the Beirut Airport to fly to Amman, Jordan, for the second phase of our journey.

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